Product Promotion

Virtual Reality

What is it?

It is a three-dimensional technology that offers an experience in three-dimensional world to end your visualization with this world. It is an innovative marketing tool for learning about your products via virtual tool.

How is it prepared?

Depictional drawings of your products and products are integrated into the virtual reality.

How to use?

They can observe your products by plugging your customers into their imaginations; with the help of those they have, they can experience the kits and scenarios related to your products.


You take your products to your customers, not your customers to the product.

Instead of showing your products to your customers, you let them “experience” the products.

You create a “technological brand” perception in the eyes of your customers.

Augmented Reality

What is it?

It is a three-dimensional technology that offers added reality to your visual communication with the world. It is an innovative marketing tool for your customers to experience your products inside the cameras of smart devices.

How is it prepared?

Three-dimensional drawings of your products and the areas where you will display your products are integrated into your mobile application using image processing technology.

How to use?

Your customers open the smart device camera by touching the augmented reality button in your mobile application. By placing your products on the opened camera view, they will have detailed information about your products.


Your products will go to every home and workplace with smart devices, even if you are not there.

You take your products to your customers, not your customers to the product.

Instead of showing your products to your customers, you let them “experience” the products.

You create a “technological brand” perception in the eyes of your customers.