Training Applications

Virtual Reality

What is it?

You can carry out theoretical training or technical product training; you can practice your products or the technical uses of your products. It is a new generation three-dimensional training experience where you can provide training by gathering the participants in one area.

How is it prepared?

The areas where you will give the trainings and the products that are the subject of the training are integrated into the virtual reality glasses.

How to use?

Your customers can participate in the trainings by wearing virtual reality glasses; can observe your products; with the help of the kits they have, they can experience interactive processes with your products.


You make impressive presentations and provide memorable trainings.

You will increase the interest in trainings and presentations.

You will have the opportunity to practice an unlimited number of times and reduce occupational safety risks.

You can provide training to dozens of people at the same time at a lower cost without coming side by side.